Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Hi I'm very good at what I do for pleasure.. I'm over 60. 6 tall blue eyes brown hair and 195lbs 760-6699-4057 Paul.

Back in time, police to call, houses to break, strangers to maids, faces of sinners and saints, balls in the air, balls in the crooks, cheaters, and liars, good times, cash to steal, heads to count. Earth cracking open.Blue Ranger, Green Frogs,Army Of One, Sunny And Bright, Yellow stone gonna blow..doomsday.πŸ˜πŸŒπŸ˜€πŸƒπŸ˜€πŸšΆπŸ˜ƒπŸŒŸπŸ†™πŸ“²Winners,Losers,Learners, Family Matters: Roles To Play, Hats To Wear, In And Out Of Time, Lost In Space, Castles In The Sky.Hi I'm very good at what I do for pleasure.. I'm over 60. 6 tall blue eyes brown hair and 195lbs 760-6699-4057 Paul.

We looked at the cellphone company because so many people are moving away from the land line services. Which means more people buying and using cellphones. Would you like to get raid of the bills and keep the phone?Please Help us help others. Rabbi: Any religion-inspired costume that pokes fun at a church or faith is not a smart idea. AMAZON FANTASY MOVIES: HAPPY INTERNATIONAL FAIRY DAY.

My dissatisfaction for myself is a great starting point, for it is right there that I have the most power, strength and energy to push change through.I fall, I rise, I make mistakes, I live, I learn, I've been hurt .but I'm alive. I'm human, I'm not perfect but I'm thankful. πŸ˜‹  ‎FIND YOUR WAY BACK.Rabbi:Stones,Rocks, Pebbles. Written notices, to open the book, only a year to wait, faster now, and the rewards are big.

Make Money from HEMP?Hello Again,Just starting a fundraiser selling cellphone service for Lightyear. It is the only company willing to share the wealth that is available with the cellphone use in the United States. We are in the process of finding and locating companies that give you the option to do away with the expenses that reoccur monthly. 

 ‎FIND YOUR WAY BACK.Rabbi: Any religion-inspired costume that pokes fun at a church or faith is not a smart idea. AMAZON FANTASY MOVIES: HAPPY INTERNATIONAL FAIRY DAY.Hi I'm very good at what I do for pleasure.. I'm over 60. 6 tall blue eyes brown hair and 195lbs 760-6699-4057 Paul.

Back in time, police to call, houses to break, strangers to maids, faces of sinners and saints, balls in the air, balls in the crooks, cheaters, and liars, good times, cash to steal, heads to count. Earth cracking open.Blue Ranger, Green Frogs,Army Of One, Sunny And Bright, Yellow stone gonna blow..doomsday.πŸ˜πŸŒπŸ˜€πŸƒπŸ˜€πŸšΆπŸ˜ƒπŸŒŸπŸ†™πŸ“²Winners,Losers,Learners, Family Matters: Roles To Play, Hats To Wear, In And Out Of Time, Lost In Space, Castles In The Sky.Hi I'm very good at what I do for pleasure.. I'm over 60. 6 tall blue eyes brown hair and 195lbs 760-6699-4057 Paul.

Spongebob Excited GIF

We looked at the cellphone company because so many people are moving away from the land line services. Which means more people buying and using cellphones. Would you like to get raid of the bills and keep the phone?Please Help us help others. Rabbi: Any religion-inspired costume that pokes fun at a church or faith is not a smart idea. AMAZON FANTASY MOVIES: HAPPY INTERNATIONAL FAIRY DAY.Hi I'm very good at what I do for pleasure.. I'm over 60. 6 tall blue eyes brown hair and 195lbs 760-6699-4057 Paul.

This fundraiser is active here in the Desert,where I am at for the winter. The rain,cold and darkness of Seattle,and the Northwest is way to much for the winter ever again. I went to Seattle to settle family issues for a departing family member. I had no idea what family met to me until I returned. Family is the group of people in your circle that likes you thought the weather regardless if it is raining or shinning in your world. Rabbi: Any religion-inspired costume that pokes fun at a church or faith is not a smart idea. AMAZON FANTASY MOVIES: HAPPY INTERNATIONAL FAIRY DAY

Veterans,Seniors,Minors traped in the state with CPS,and the others that have gotton displaced and fits the bill of the groups noted. The wards of the state of California,do not get to see their parents because they are weird. 

What happens to the kids that have crimes committed on them and the foster parents like Julie Lee,of Desert Hot Springs,that sexually attacks the minors,or allow others to do so.What about the 2nd of third cousin,who took the minor out on dates while in her care? Rabbi: Any religion-inspired costume that pokes fun at a church or faith is not a smart idea. AMAZON FANTASY MOVIES: HAPPY INTERNATIONAL FAIRY DAY

What about the minor that got his head shaved for Christmas 2010,and the dollar sign craved there was not seen by CPS.ROTC said that hair cut that CPS allowed for Christmas,and all the ways they continue to do. What happens if Shelding Palms of Indio,Ca on Monroe has Debra Manning,that went to court and lied while under oath,that their party convesations by phone scared her and all the little people that she worked with?How can Foster Parents without any mental health edcation,be better that working with the parents and their angry kids so they can grow together and move on. Rabbi: Any religion-inspired costume that pokes fun at a church or faith is not a smart idea. AMAZON FANTASY MOVIES: HAPPY INTERNATIONAL FAIRY DAY

California Children Protection Services of Banning,Ca and Catheral City,Indio,and Desert Hot Springs,are all ran by Peter (Kidney Hunter),and Ben Brandon,his boss who is 2 fingers short of a hand. How is it possible that these locations that these two men run enforces the judges orders by taking them as suggestions. How long did these two good to school to second guess the Judges Rulings?Who holds them accountable?Not the Police,and not the court systems,they get away with crimes to the rights of the minors,and their parents,and the families that try to step up and remove the kids out of their care.

Wards of the states have to ask for the money to fed them at the school,and beg for blankets for their beds,and hair care products for the mixed raced minors,is not heard of. Cut their hair and keep it bared,regardless of the parents wishes and the rules of confinment in Foster Care. I know my family has had cases after cases where communication had broken down,but we fought hard to keep our kids out of Jail called Children Protection Services. At least at kiddy jail you can see anybody on a list that wants to spend time visiting.

The Judge Sam Reiz of Indio,Ca Correctional Systems-for minors who put their parents in the hospital,wrote in ruling minor to see parents once a week,and phone calls daily.Those were just suggestions according to Peter B,his boss Ben B,Debor Maning,Julie Lee,Shastie Brenagh,Dick and his wife Mouse Garcia of Indio. These people have been known to cancell all the visits from one court date to the next. 

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people standing and hat

These Social Workers have been known to cover up the minors and sex attacks at their locations in the Desert. Give the minors a crime in order to sweep it under the table. This is the group that we sent our angry kids to? Rabbi: Any religion-inspired costume that pokes fun at a church or faith is not a smart idea. AMAZON FANTASY MOVIES: HAPPY INTERNATIONAL FAIRY DAY

Holidays,birthdays,summer trips to mall,to other states with family to meet and see for first is taken away. Instead what they get is mind control to tell them they are not wanted any where else. Angry issues are buried and disregarded. Healing of the family that had them removed are not addressed. Kids are damaged and stay that way.

Help us raised the funds needed to help the Veterans with kids,get back home and address the anger issues that has them displaced from home.  Rabbi: Any religion-inspired costume that pokes fun at a church or faith is not a smart idea. AMAZON FANTASY MOVIES: HAPPY INTERNATIONAL FAIRY DAY.

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