Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Just between the two of us, have you had your birthday yet this year, or what month were you born, are a child of the year 1960.

Otherwise you sound wonderful, right on the money, for strangers to friends.Just between the two of us, have you had your birthday yet this year, or what month were you born, are a child of the year 1960

 I write, because it last longer than just talking, my views, my values, my point in my life, things that have happen, over the decades. My impressions, on life, lights, lessons, strangers to friends, the frogs and toads, the fish and the foxes.⭐ Just one: 🔑 ❤🏡  Things that I write about. Just between the two of us, have you had your birthday yet this year, or what month were you born, are a child of the year 1960
Journals online, on google, on facebook, on twitter, on wordpress, places that I update all the time. ⭐ Just one: My impressions, on life, lights, lessons, strangers to friends, the frogs and toads, the fish and the foxes.⭐ Just one: 🔑 ❤🏡  Things that I write about. Just between the two of us, have you had your birthday yet this year, or what month were you born, are a child of the year 1960
  • Hairs to hats. Dances on the side of the roads, life in a tin can. RV camping, way of life for a frog or two. Fairy Tales, Angels Rites.Let love inspire you.Trust who and what you are.
    Hedge Knight: Candles Out, Sad Songs Singer Expired News..Jarrot Frog Jewish Freaks, Selling Junk, Way Of Life: Plenty Of Fish To See. Fairy Tales, Angels Rites.Let love inspire you.Trust who and what you are.Just between the two of us, have you had your birthday yet this year, or what month were you born, are a child of the year 1960


Yet they ignored the truth and deluded themselves with their fiction, what would keep you from losing all attraction to them, both socially and sexually?Gone Too Soon.Monkey Packs, Donkey Dates, Faces On Sticks, Sands And Poles. Tales Recaps.Things that I write about. Just between the two of us, have you had your birthday yet this year, or what month were you born, are a child of the year 1960
Image may contain: 1 person, eating, sitting and food, text that says 'Cheating aint for me I'm not about to be out here Feeding two bitches VESKIN BOLA'

Journals online, on google, on facebook, on twitter, on wordpress, places that I update all the time. ⭐ Just one: My impressions, on life, lights, lessons, strangers to friends, the frogs and toads, the fish and the foxes.⭐ Just one: 🔑 ❤🏡  Things that I write about. 

TALKING GIBBERISH.Charmed for life.Dawn of the Rebirth: 3 Hard Knocks: : Here to us, the lucky breaks, twists and turns.Just between the two of us, have you had your birthday yet this year, or what month were you born, are a child of the year 1960

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